Setting Up Dynamips with Linux Central, and Windows Remote

I posted this on some guy's blog, here:

(Then, I realized, hey, this could be an article here!)

Here’s the topology file I used, might give you some ideas:

(I noticed I said to turn something off, but I put the setting on “true” hah, disregard)

How it works:
(1) stage directories, image files, and install dynamips/gns3 as required
(2) have script on Linux server to start the dynamips processes
(3) have script on Windows machines to start the remote dynamips processes
(4) run this topology file on the linux host

If you’ve enabled remote connect, you can remote to the box, and connect to the process there, OR … if you know the IP/port number combination, you can just telnet into the routers remotely.

Do … whatever works for you.

## Access server in GNS3
## IP Addresses
## – Local Linux Server
## – XP03
## – X04
## Dynamips Ports
## Linux01: 7300, 7301 (for lab 3) 7400, 7401 (for lab 4)
## XPO3: 7200, 7201, 7202, 7203
## XP04: 7200, 7201, 7202, 7203
## UDP Ports:
## Linux01: 10300, 10350, 10400, 10450
## XP03: 13000, 13100, 13200, 13300
## XP04: 14000, 14100, 14200, 14300
## Directories:
## Linux01:
## working = /home/owner/gns3/working/lab3, /home/owner/gns3/working/lab4
## configs = /home/owner/gns3/configs/lab3, /home/owner/gns3/configs/lab4
## image = /home/owner/gns3/ios
## XP03:
## working = c:\gns3\working
## configs = c:\gns3\configs
## image = c:\gns3\ios
## Do not automatically start the routers
autostart = True

## This router keeps the switches up
## Switches must connect to at least one router
## Depending on your lab, this will not be a necessary step
## It worked OK for me, so I kept the switches
## Probably could have done without it, but once I got a working
## topology … you know how it is … :D
## Actually, the original idea was an access server, then I
## just decided I’d keep this one in every lab, to keep the switches
## “UP”

workingdir = /home/owner/gns3/working/lab3
udp = 10300
image = /home/owner/lab/ios/C3725-adventerprisek9-mz124-15.T7image.bin
ram = 128
idlepc = 0x60bf77a8
idlemax = 100
sparsemem = True
ghostios = True

model = 3725
console = 2000
cnfg = /home/owner/gns3/configs/lab3/SK.txt
slot 1 = NM-16ESW
f1/1 = R4F1 3
f1/2 = R3F1 3
f1/3 = R2F0 3
f1/4 = R1F0 3
f1/5 = R6F1 3
f1/6 = R5F1 3
f1/7 = R4F0 3
f1/8 = R3F0 3
f1/9 = BB2F0 3
f1/10 = BB3F0 3
f1/11 = R6F0 3
f1/12 = R5F0 3

## This server runs the switches that connect to the clouds.

workingdir = /home/owner/gns3/working/lab3
udp = 10350

[[ETHSW R4F1]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth1
2 = access 1 R4 f0/1
3 = access 1 SK f1/1

[[ETHSW R3F1]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth2
2 = access 1 R3 f0/1
3 = access 1 SK f1/2

[[ETHSW R2F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth3
2 = access 1 R2 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/3

[[ETHSW R1F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth4
2 = access 1 R1 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/4

[[ETHSW R6F1]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth5
2 = access 1 R6 f0/1
3 = access 1 SK f1/5

[[ETHSW R5F1]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth6
2 = access 1 R5 f0/1
3 = access 1 SK f1/6

[[ETHSW R4F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth7
2 = access 1 R4 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/7

[[ETHSW R3F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth8
2 = access 1 R3 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/8

1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth9
2 = access 1 BB2 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/9

1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth10
2 = access 1 BB3 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/10

[[ETHSW R6F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth11
2 = access 1 R6 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/11

[[ETHSW R5F0]]
1 = access 1 nio_gen_eth:eth12
2 = access 1 R5 f0/0
3 = access 1 SK f1/12

## Remote Windows XP Server
## Just finish connecting the interfaces
## and specifying the .bin files and idlepc
## Hypervisor for FRS

workingdir = c:\gns3\working
udp = 13000

image = c:\gns3\ios\C3725-adventerprisek9-mz124-15.T7image.bin
ram = 128
idlepc = 0x60bf77a8
idlemax = 100
sparsemem = True
ghostios = True

model = 3725
console = 2000
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\FRS.txt
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = R1 s0/0
s0/1 = R2 s0/0
s0/2 = R3 s1/0
s0/3 = R3 s1/1
s0/4 = R4 s0/0
s0/5 = R5 s0/0
slot 1 = NM-4T
s1/0 = R6 s0/0
s1/1 = BB1 s0/0

# Hypervisor #1 R1, R2, and R3

workingdir = c:\gns3\working
udp = 13100

image = c:\gns3\ios\C3725-adventerprisek9-mz124-15.T7image.bin
ram = 128
idlepc = 0x60bf77a8
idlemax = 100
sparsemem = True
ghostios = True

model = 3725
console = 2001
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R1.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s0/0
s0/1 = R3 s1/2
f0/0 = R1F0 2

model = 3725
console = 2002
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R2.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s0/1
s0/1 = R3 s1/3
f0/0 = R2F0 2

model = 3725
console = 2003
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R3.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s1/0 = FRS s0/2
s1/1 = FRS s0/3
s1/2 = R1 S0/1
S1/3 = R2 S0/1
f0/0 = R3F0 2
f0/1 = R3F1 2

# Hypervisor #2 – R4, R5, and R6
workingdir = c:\gns3\working
udp = 13200

image = c:\gns3\ios\C3725-adventerprisek9-mz124-15.T7image.bin
ram = 128
idlepc = 0x60bf77a8
idlemax = 100
sparsemem = True
ghostios = True

model = 3725
console = 2004
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R4.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s0/4
s0/1 = R5 S0/1
f0/0 = R4F0 2
f0/1 = R4F1 2

model = 3725
console = 2005
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R5.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s0/5
s0/1 = R4 S0/1
f0/0 = R5F0 2
f0/1 = R5F1 2

model = 3725
console = 2006
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\R6.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s1/0
f0/0 = R6F0 2
f0/1 = R6F1 2

# Hypervisor #3 – BB1,BB2, and BB3
workingdir = c:\gns3\working
udp = 13300

image = c:\gns3\ios\C3725-adventerprisek9-mz124-15.T7image.bin
ram = 128
idlepc = 0x60bf77a8
idlemax = 100
sparsemem = True
ghostios = True

model = 3725
console = 2007
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\BB1.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = FRS s1/1
s0/1 = BB3 S0/0

model = 3725
console = 2008
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\BB2.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
f0/0 = BB2F0 2

model = 3725
console = 2009
cnfg = c:\gns3\configs\BB3.txt
slot 1 = NM-4T
wic 0/0 = WIC-2T
wic 0/1 = WIC-2T
wic 0/2 = WIC-2T
s0/0 = BB1 S0/1
f0/0 = BB3F0 2


connection = R4F1:1:nio_gen_eth:eth1

connection = R3F1:1:nio_gen_eth:eth2

connection = R2F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth3

connection = R1F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth4

connection = R6F1:1:nio_gen_eth:eth5

connection = R5F1:1:nio_gen_eth:eth6

connection = R4F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth7

connection = R3F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth8

connection = BB2F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth9

connection = BB3F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth10

[[CLOUD R6F0-ETH11]]
connection = R6F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth11

[[CLOUD R5F0-ETH12]]
connection = R5F0:1:nio_gen_eth:eth12


As always, you know where you can reach me, Lewis Lampkin, III, on Linked In: (I usually accept invitations to connect ... Am I better than anyone else? [The answer is NO, if you're wondering.]

Or here on this website:


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