Part 2 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Infrastructure/DevOps Engineer Setup

This post is part of a 5-post series on setting up version control in the cloud using AWS Code Commit (cloud repository), Git (version control) and AWS Cloud 9 (Cloud IDE).

Part 1 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Creating Git repositories

Part 2 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Infrastructure/Devops Engineer Setup

Part 3 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Software Developer #1

Part 4 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Software Developer #2

Part 5 of 5: AWS Code Commit: Cleanup, Evidence, Reference

The DevOps Engineer is tasked with being able to maintain the infrastructure and assist with any applications issues. For this reason, the DevOps engineer needs to be able to update the infrastructure and application repositories.

2.1: Configure Git username and email

git config --global "Lewis Lampkin, III - Infrastructure/DevOps Engineer" git config --global ""

2.2: Configure AWS CLI Credential Helper

git config --global credential.helper '!aws codecommit credential-helper $@' git config --global credential.UseHttpPath true

2.3: Clone the infrastructure repository

(note: To get the cloneURL: AWS CodeCommit > Repositories > Select the repository > clone URL > HTTPS)

git clone

2.4: Clone the application repository also

(note: To get the cloneURL: AWS CodeCommit > Repositories > Select the repository > clone URL > HTTPS)

git clone

There's only one picture in this article, as it covers all the bases.

If you want to find me, you can catch me, Lewis Lampkin, III at LinkedIn:

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